SEO website promotion

Increase in applications and calls, expanding the reach of the target audience Increase in brand popularity on the Internet

What does the SEO website optimization service include

InDev provides clients with comprehensive contextual advertising services, starting from business marketing analysis to launching an advertising campaign and monitoring its results for performance improvement. Ordering contextual advertising is an excellent choice if quick results are needed, and there is no time to wait for the effects of SEO promotion.

We generate over 4 million visitors a year to our clients' websites


More than 2000 successfully implemented projects


For 22 years of experience in the IT field, we have received hundreds of awards and certificates


Offices in 4 countries - Ukraine, Poland, Germany, USA


What is SEO promotion?

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) promotion is the process of optimizing web pages to increase their ranking in search engines such as Google, Bing, etc. This allows for higher visibility of the website in search queries and attracts more visitors to the web resource.

Optimization encompasses various elements, from selecting keywords to technically optimizing the code of web pages. It’s important to remember that SEO is an ongoing process, as search engines constantly update their algorithms and requirements for web pages.

Among the main methods of SEO promotion, the following can be highlighted:

  1. On-page optimization (choosing keywords, optimizing headings, meta tags, images, and other content on the web page).
  2. Off-page optimization (building backlinks, placing articles, and other materials on external resources with links to web pages).
  3. Technical optimization (speeding up the loading of web pages, optimizing code, and other technical aspects).

Properly conducted SEO promotion can elevate a web page in search results and increase the number of visitors, which in turn can lead to increased revenue for online businesses.

Stages of website promotion


Website analysis and promotion strategy

SEO website optimization always starts with a detailed analysis. This stage includes an in-depth examination of the site for technical flaws and compliance with search engine standards. The scope of work includes evaluating the site's structure and usability, its technical characteristics, content analysis, checking for mentions of the resource on the web, and other indicators. Based on the comprehensive analysis of the site and its competitors, we develop a customized promotion strategy and a list of SEO methods that can yield the best results. At this stage, competitor analysis is conducted, and decisions are made regarding the expansion of the site through new content and subpages, menu restructuring or operational processes, as well as key changes needed for the site to gain positions and visibility in search results.


Developing the semantic core and structure of the site

A relevant list of keywords is selected, which will bring interested users to the site from search results. We collect keywords (including high, medium, and low-frequency ones), partly through the analysis of competitive resources. The volume and structure of the semantic core are determined for specific search queries, considering user intent. Based on semantics, the website architecture is developed. The logic of relationships between sections, pages, and individual elements of the site is established, and its functionality and user-friendliness are configured. We simplify the path for the target audience from their first click on the site to performing the desired action. Convenient and understandable sites have high conversion rates, thanks to increased trust from both search engines and users in your resource.


SEO audit and technical website optimization

To implement the promotion strategy, a detailed internal analysis of the resource is mandatory, including meta tags, content structure, internal links, navigation schemes, robots.txt file, sitemap.xml, page indexing, and the formation of 301 redirects. In addition, we search for and correct HTML errors, check the URL structure, hidden texts, and page duplications. Technical optimization also includes an audit of site loading speed and its adaptation for mobile devices, configuring microdata and breadcrumbs, as well as language versions of the site. Based on the site's audit results, a list of tasks is formulated to address identified flaws for further technical optimization. Depending on the current state of the site, this list can be either very comprehensive or relatively small. It's all individual.


Creating effective content and SEO copywriting

The content creation stage involves preparing detailed technical tasks for texts, taking into account the semantic core's keywords, and creating optimized content that aligns with the interests of the target audience. We process the texts, distribute keywords on the page, and eliminate grammatical and logical errors. Quality website content, strengthening positions in search results, and an increase in the target audience are achieved. We always pay special attention to optimized texts because they are one of the key elements of effective SEO promotion. They should definitely not be underestimated.


Creating a link profile and external website promotion

An important component of SEO promotion is increasing the external link mass by placing inbound links on third-party resources. The more authoritative platforms refer to your project, the better the relevance indicator of the website, and consequently, the higher it will be in the search results. Within SEO promotion, optimizers expand the site's control profile by placing backlinks on reliable thematic resources. A stable and gradual increase in the link mass is carried out to prevent sanctions from search engines and achieve natural traffic growth. Such external optimization works help increase the value of the resource and achieve an improvement in the site's positions in search results.


Optimize conversions and increase sales through promotion

We conduct studies on the actual actions of users (time on a specific page, number of clicks, transitions, bounce rate, page view depth). We calculate the user behavior specifics in searching for the necessary buttons on the site's pages. We adjust the actions for promoting the site to increase user activity and achieve an increase in target actions. Thanks to website optimization measures related to UX analysis, we prevent situations where users are not motivated to make purchases.


Measurement and reporting of promotion indicators

Key metrics of effectiveness and site positions are consistently monitored. This allows for an evaluation of the quality of tasks performed. If necessary, changes are made to the website promotion strategy. This achieves maximum SEO effectiveness. Displaying intermediate and final project results is a guarantee of transparency in the client relationship. This stage includes creating a report with key performance indicators that are convenient for progress assessment. Data collection on key metrics includes website traffic, visibility in organic search, calculation of visitor acquisition cost (leads, sales), conversion rate, ROI, total number of clicks, and more. Timely response to changes in promotion factors and adjustment of development tactics. A clear understanding of the business benefits from investing in this marketing channel.

We will help you

Request a free consultation - our experts will find the most effective solution

    Develop a unique design

    The designers at InDev company provide unique solutions tailored to each business sector and create interfaces in the corporate style. If you don't have your own style, our specialists will develop it. As a result, you will receive a unique design that enhances the company's image.

    Solving business problems.

    Our experts create modern websites with unique tools that help solve business tasks. Thanks to this, many business tasks are automated and optimized. Programmers develop custom tools for each industry.

    Introduce new technologies

    We pay special attention to the interface. The user should feel comfortable, safe, and understand how to work with the website. We develop modern websites on any device using cutting-edge technologies. They display correctly, load quickly, and work flawlessly.

    Connect third-party services

    Databases, payment systems, maps, and other third-party services will work on your website. Our specialists create modern websites that allow comfortable interaction with customers. This significantly expands the business opportunities.

    Define the strategy

    During the project discussion, we set tasks and develop a promotion strategy. We implement advertising tools to help promote the website. We create a well-known internet resource that is in demand among clients and attracts a new audience.

    Launch and maintain the project

    Our specialists not only create modern websites but also assist in launching the project. Testing is performed, and the website is uploaded to hosting. We train your employees to use the interface, provide technical support, and guide you through the entire launch process.

    Discuss the project

    Contact us for a free consultation, it's an opportunity to discuss your ideas with digitalization experts. Leave your number, we will call you back!

      Mykola Kysel


      I help my clients solve complex business problems with custom IT solutions

      years in the company
      successful projects

      Comprehensive solutions

      Are you looking for search engine optimization for your website? Our team of SEO experts is ready to tailor our strategies to your needs and capabilities, whether you're a large e-commerce store or a local website. We work throughout Ukraine and provide services in Kyiv, Kharkiv, Dnipro, Odesa, Lviv, and Zaporizhia.

      Prices and solutions


      Promotion of a service website

      from 500$

      Promotion of an online store

      from 1000$

      Foreign promotion

      from 1500$


        We answer the most common questions


        What is your experience in website promotion?

        InDev Group has been working in the IT industry since 2016. During this time, we have advanced over 500 projects and are familiar with the best methodologies for achieving SEO results. We can guarantee high-quality website promotion services due to the expertise of our professionals and the full dedication of our team to the project.


        What does SEO website promotion give you?

        What does SEO website promotion offer?

        SEO website promotion is the process of optimizing a web page to improve its ranking in search engines. When a web page is properly optimized, it has a higher chance of appearing on the first page of search results, which increases the number of visitors. Here are several advantages of SEO website promotion:

        • Increased Website Traffic

        SEO promotion helps increase the number of visitors to a website. When a web page appears on the first page of search results, people are more likely to click on it, thus boosting traffic to the site.

        • Improved Conversion Rates

        SEO promotion helps attract visitors who are interested in the products or services offered on the website. This increases the chances of successful sales or service orders.

        • Increased Visibility for Local Businesses

        If you have a local business, SEO promotion can help increase the number of visitors from your region. This makes your business more visible to local residents, thereby increasing its popularity.

        • Cost-Effectiveness of Advertising

        SEO promotion can be more effective than paid advertising. Optimizing a web page helps increase the amount of organic traffic, reducing the need for paid advertising.

        • Building Visitor Trust

        When a web page appears on the first page of search results, it increases the trust of visitors. They are more likely to trust a web page that has a high ranking in the search engine.

        Therefore, SEO website promotion has many advantages that help increase traffic, improve conversion, and make businesses more visible.


        What you get by choosing search engine optimization?

        Deceptive promotion is one of the key components of successful and effective internet marketing. This tool allows you to increase your website’s traffic in search engines and improve its ranking on search platforms. As a result, you can gain the following benefits:

        Increased traffic to your website: Search promotion helps increase the number of visitors to your website from search engines. The higher your website’s ranking on search engines, the more people will be able to find your site and visit it. Improved conversion: With increased traffic to your website, you can improve conversion – the number of visitors who make purchases or perform a specific goal on your site. This will increase your business’s revenue and ensure more effective operation of your site. Increased brand recognition: Search promotion helps increase the recognition of your brand in search engines. The more times users see your brand in search engine results, the more they trust it and are more likely to turn to you in the future. Cost-effectiveness: Search promotion is an effective tool that provides a high return on marketing expenses. This allows you to increase the efficiency of your business and ensure its growth.

        Therefore, choosing website search promotion is an important step in effective internet marketing. This tool allows you to increase your website’s traffic and conversion, enhance brand recognition, and ensure the effective operation of your business.

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        3. SEO