Artificial intelligence GPT

Artificial intelligence GPT : a new era of development

Why you should work with us

Request a free consultation - our experts will find the most effective solution.

    Team involvement

    We want to thoroughly understand your issue and help pinpoint the best solution. We'll select the most suitable technologies and clearly explain their benefits.

    We are always in touch

    The dedicated manager is ready to address any project-related questions around the clock, 24/7. Our developers provide feedback on a daily basis.

    Clear commercial offer

    No questionable wording, hidden fees, or fine print in our contracts. Our clients always understand what they are paying for.

    We have 10+ years of experience

    Founded in 2015, our company has come a long way from a small web studio to a large IT holding. We have gained extensive experience and know almost everything about development intricacies.

    You can choose the format of cooperation

    Clients can choose either the Fixed Price model or the Time & Material principle. However, we will do our best to advise on the optimal solution to achieve the best results with minimal expenses.

    Warranty and support after the release

    No matter how complex your product is, we will see the project through to the end. We will address all issues during the warranty period and assist with the further development of the product.

    Stages of a turnkey project


    Comprehensive analysis

    Before we start working, we thoroughly analyze and study the product, competitors, target audience, and business objectives. This provides a clear understanding of the company's strengths and weaknesses, as well as the goals that need to be achieved through design.


    Digital strategy

    We develop a brand promotion strategy in the online space and set communication goals. A step-by-step plan for the digital development of your brand.


    UX Design

    We create a detailed prototype, carefully considering every detail in the user's interaction with the product. A user experience that will make your customers loyal.


    UI development

    We bring the visual design of the software to life, considering all your preferences and brand style. An attractive product design that will be memorable and set you apart from others.


    Launch and support

    "We bring the visual design of the software to life, considering all your preferences and brand style. An attractive product design that will be memorable and set you apart from others. We can implement your design or entrust the development to your team of experts and address all their questions. You will have a ready, comprehensive, and unique UI and UX design for your software product.

    Discuss the project

    Feel free to reach out to us for a free consultation. This is an opportunity to discuss your ideas with digitalization experts. Leave your number, and we will call you back!

      Mykola Kysel


      I help my clients solve complex business problems with custom IT solutions

      years in the company
      successful projects

      Comprehensive Solutions

      Prices and solutions


      Under the open budget

      from $45/hr


        We answer the most frequently asked questions


        What is the price of development?

        Getting an exact price for the project development is quite challenging as it depends on many factors. The price can be influenced by the complexity of the project, the scope of work, the timeline, the level of expertise of the development team, and many other factors.

        We recommend reaching out to our team to get detailed information about our services and pricing. Our specialists will be able to review your project and propose an optimal development plan tailored to your needs and budget.

        Please feel free to contact us to learn more about our services and receive a detailed consultation from our experts.


        What is the development time?

        Depending on the complexity of the project and the scope of work, the development time can vary from a few days to several months. In addition, the development time may depend on how quickly the client provides the necessary information and approves the solution.

        GPT features

        Artificial Intelligence GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) is a potent deep learning tool for text generation. It autonomously expands its knowledge, making it invaluable for diverse problem-solving.

        GPT’s strength lies in its extensive data-driven training, enabling it to draw from a wide knowledge pool. It excels in tasks like machine translation, natural language processing, and speech recognition. This encompasses tasks like webpage translation, text analysis in messages and emails.

        GPT is also adept at crafting engaging content for social and media platforms, including news headlines. It can build recommendation systems, suggesting movies or music based on user preferences. Additionally, GPT is capable of data analysis and business forecasting, such as predicting demand for products.

        In essence, GPT is a versatile AI with immense potential for diverse applications. It enables the creation of innovative solutions, promising success in various fields.

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