WMS - warehouse management system

Optimizing space and time for your bottom line

Features of WMS

The WMS system is a reliable tool for ensuring efficient inventory management in the warehouse. The system enables precise inventory tracking, swift and effective item retrieval, and maximizes the productivity of the warehouse operations.

    Automated data processing

    The WMS system allows for the automation of many processes related to inventory management in the warehouse, ensuring efficiency and data accuracy.

    Inventory management

    The WMS system provides the capability to maintain detailed inventory records, monitor the expiration dates of goods, and conduct inventory audits.

    Maximum productivity

    The WMS system ensures optimal utilization of warehouse space and maximizes warehouse productivity.

    Integration with other systems

    Additionally, the WMS system can be integrated with other software products, such as ERP systems, providing complete automation of logistics processes within the company.

    Quick and effective product search

    The WMS system significantly simplifies and speeds up the process of locating goods in the warehouse by tracking the exact location of the goods and supporting an efficient system for storing and retrieving data about the goods in the warehouse.

    Stages of turnkey website development


    Project evaluation

    Define the target audience; Set goals and objectives that the product should achieve; Calculate the necessary resources. You will receive a complete summary of the project, including the cost and duration of development.


    Defining functionality

    Select solutions for your tasks; Describe the capabilities of the software product; Approve the functionality. Provide a detailed description of the functional capabilities of your tool.


    UI/UX design

    Develop the system structure; Create a prototype; Design the layout. Detailed visualization of the future system.



    During the website development phase, our experts integrate third-party programs and services that are essential for your business. These may include CRM systems, ERP software, various business APIs, diverse payment gateways, maps, and other tools. The goal is to enhance the usefulness of your website, expand its capabilities, and improve user-friendliness, all while keeping development costs reasonable.



    The website is checked for vulnerabilities and load capacity. It's crucial for it to be stable, especially when integrating payment systems. This is one of the most rigorous stages of website development, where experts actively search for and address any vulnerabilities. We utilize modern technologies and development platforms to ensure the security of your website. We guarantee reliable protection and the security of your clients' personal data.



    Before the release, we conduct additional testing, simulating user actions. Security systems are double-checked, and evaluations of product performance, load capacity, and usability are performed. Changes are made if necessary. After testing, we upload the website to the hosting, attach the domain. From this point, the website development for business is completed. However, we provide a guarantee of technical support and ensure everything is working. You can also order a service for ongoing website support.

    Discuss the project

    Contact us for a free consultation, which is an opportunity to discuss your ideas with digitalization experts. Leave your number and we will call you back!

      Mykola Kysel


      I help my clients solve complex business challenges through custom IT solutions.

      years in the company
      successful projects

      Comprehensive Solutions

      Prices and solutions


      CRM - systems

      from 10000$

      ERP - systems

      from 12000$

      WMS - systems

      from 10000$

      TMS - systems

      from 10000$

      SAAS - systems

      from $35/год

      SAP - systems

      from $35/год


        We answer the most frequently asked questions


        What is the difference between ERP and WMS?

        ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) and WMS (Warehouse Management System) are two different systems that perform different functions within a company.

        An ERP system is a comprehensive system that integrates all areas of a company’s operations, including financial management, economics, production, and logistics. This system allows the company to store all data in one place and manage all aspects of the business.

        On the other hand, a WMS system is a specialized system designed for inventory management in a warehouse. It allows the company to control the movement of goods in the warehouse, maintain accurate inventory records, and optimize the use of warehouse space.

        The main difference between ERP and WMS systems is that an ERP system is more comprehensive and is designed to manage all aspects of a company’s operations, while a WMS system is more specialized and is designed for warehouse inventory management.


        Which is better: an off-the-shelf solution or a customized warehouse management system?

        When choosing between a ready-made solution and a custom warehouse management system, it’s important to consider the specifics of your company’s operations and its inventory management needs.

        Ready-made solutions like WMS systems typically offer a wide range of functionality and can meet the needs of most companies. They also have a track record of success and good support from developers.

        However, for companies with specific requirements, a custom inventory management system may be the better option. Such a system can be tailored to accommodate the unique needs of the company and ensure optimal resource utilization.

        One of the drawbacks of a custom system is the high cost of development and implementation. Additionally, such a system may require additional support and fine-tuning over time.

        In each specific situation, it’s important to carefully weigh the pros and cons of both options and choose the one that best aligns with the company’s needs.


        How much does it cost to create a WMS?

        The cost of developing a WMS depends on many factors, such as the complexity of the functionality, the number of users, the types of devices the system will be used on, and many others.

        Ready-made solutions like WMS systems typically range from a few thousand dollars to several hundred thousand dollars, depending on the level of functionality and the number of users.

        A custom inventory management system can cost significantly more, as it is fully tailored to the specific needs of the company.

        If you are interested in developing a WMS system for your company, we recommend reaching out to development companies with relevant experience and comparing different proposals to choose the one that best suits your company.

        Choosing an automated WMS system

        A WMS system (Warehouse Management System) is a software used to effectively manage warehouse logistics. It allows you to automate many processes related to warehouse inventory management, such as receiving goods, placing, storing, and shipping goods.

        The main goal of the WMS system is to ensure optimal use of warehouse space and maximum warehouse productivity. The system provides the ability to keep detailed inventory records, control the shelf life of goods, take inventory, and ensure the accuracy and speed of shipments.

        One of the main advantages of using a WMS system is the reduction of time and costs for inventorying stocks in the warehouse. The system allows you to conduct inventory online, which reduces the time and effort required to complete this process.

        A WMS system can greatly simplify and speed up the process of finding goods in the warehouse and reduce the number of errors during shipment by tracking the exact location of the goods and maintaining an effective system for accumulating and retrieving data on goods in the warehouse.

        The main advantages of the WMS system:

        Automated data processing. A WMS system allows you to automate many processes related to warehouse inventory management, which ensures efficiency and accuracy of data.
        Inventory management. The WMS system provides an opportunity to keep detailed inventory records, control the shelf life of goods and carry out inventory.
        Maximum productivity. The WMS system ensures optimal use of warehouse space and maximum productivity.

        1. Main
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        3. CRM - systems
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        5. WMS