TMS - Transportation Management System

Logistics tool for automation of any cargo transportation

Features of TMS

The TMS (Transport Management System) has many useful functions that help companies effectively manage transportation processes. The features of TMS include automating the calculation of transportation costs, monitoring accrued freight charges, tracking cargo expenses, routes and vehicles, efficient control of financial expenditures, and monitoring the effectiveness of transportation processes.

    Contract management

    This is the process of managing the contract lifecycle from its creation to its termination. This system helps companies maintain information about all concluded contracts, their terms and conditions, enabling effective contract management and reducing risks associated with their execution. One of the main advantages of the contract management system is the ability to automate the process of creating and registering contracts. Additionally, the system allows for setting contract terms and monitoring their execution, thereby avoiding delays and misunderstandings.

    Freight calculation

    The TMS system allows for the automation of the transportation cost calculation process. It keeps track of expenses related to cargo, routes, vehicles, and other transportation-related costs. Additionally, TMS takes into account the accrued freight and provides control over financial expenditures. Moreover, the TMS system ensures effective management of freight contracts and the capability for automated calculation of transportation costs. This helps to reduce risks associated with errors and enhances overall efficiency.

    Reporting and analytics

    The TMS system allows for reporting and analysis of transportation expenses. With this system, it's possible to generate reports on transportation costs, including information about cargoes, routes, vehicles, and other expenses associated with transportation. Additionally, the TMS system enables effective analytics and management of transportation processes. Through this system, it's possible to monitor the movement of vehicles and the execution of trips, allowing for timely identification of issues and ensuring efficient control over transportation processes.

    Performance monitoring

    The TMS system allows for monitoring the efficiency of transportation processes. With this system, you can receive information about the movement of transport and the execution of routes, allowing for timely detection of issues and ensuring effective control over transportation processes. Additionally, the TMS system enables the analysis of transportation process efficiency and finding ways to improve them. Through this system, you can keep track of transportation expenses and identify ways to reduce costs, ultimately enhancing the efficiency of transport utilization.

    Risk management

    The transportation management system and contract management system help reduce risks associated with transportation and contract execution. These systems can improve company efficiency and ensure the security and confidentiality of information. The transportation management system enables effective control over transportation processes and reduces risks associated with cargo transportation. Additionally, the system allows for monitoring the movement of transport and the execution of routes, facilitating timely issue detection and effective control over transportation processes.

    Overview of the transportation process

    TMS - Transportation Management System automates the process of calculating transportation costs. With this system, you can track expenses related to cargo, routes, transportation vehicles, and other costs associated with transportation. Additionally, TMS keeps a record of accrued freight charges and ensures control over financial expenses.

    Stages of turnkey website development


    Project evaluation

    Define the target audience; Set goals and objectives that the product should achieve; Calculate the necessary resources. You will receive a complete summary of the project, including the cost and duration of development.


    Defining functionality

    Select solutions for your tasks; Describe the capabilities of the software product; Approve the functionality. Provide a detailed description of the functional capabilities of your tool.


    UI/UX design

    Develop the system structure; Create a prototype; Design the layout. Detailed visualization of the future system.



    During the website development phase, our experts integrate third-party programs and services that are essential for your business. These may include CRM systems, ERP software, various business APIs, diverse payment gateways, maps, and other tools. The goal is to enhance the usefulness of your website, expand its capabilities, and improve user-friendliness, all while keeping development costs reasonable.



    The website is checked for vulnerabilities and load capacity. It is crucial for it to be stable, especially when payment systems are integrated. This is one of the most rigorous stages of website development, where experts search for and address any vulnerabilities. We use modern development technologies and platforms to ensure the security of your website. We guarantee reliable protection and the security of your customers' personal data.



    Before the release, we conduct additional testing, simulating user actions. Security systems are double-checked, and evaluations of product performance, load capacity, and usability are performed. Changes are made if necessary. After testing, we upload the website to the hosting, attach the domain. From this point, the website development for business is completed. However, we provide a guarantee of technical support and ensure everything is working. You can also order a service for ongoing website support.

    Discuss the project

    Contact us for a free consultation, which is an opportunity to discuss your ideas with digitalization experts. Leave your number and we will call you back!

      Mykola Kysel


      I help my clients solve complex business challenges through custom IT solutions.

      years in the company
      successful projects

      Comprehensive Solutions

      Prices and solutions


      CRM - systems

      from 10000$

      ERP - systems

      from 12000$

      WMS - systems

      from 10000$

      TMS - systems

      from 10000$

      SAAS - systems

      from $35/hr

      SAP - systems

      from $35/hr


        We answer the most frequently asked questions


        Why is TMS used?

        The TMS (Transport Management System) allows for the automation of transportation cost calculations. With this system, you can keep track of expenses related to cargo, routes, vehicles, and other transportation-related costs. Additionally, TMS enables the recording of accrued freight and provides control over financial expenditures. The TMS system provides reporting and analytics regarding transportation expenses, as well as monitors the efficiency of transportation processes. TMS is a crucial tool for companies with a high volume of transportation processes, requiring effective management. With this system, companies can reduce costs and ensure efficient control over financial expenditures, allowing them to increase profits and expand into larger markets.


        Who is TMS for?

        The TMS (Transport Management System) is an ideal tool for companies that have a large number of transportation processes and require effective management of them. This system allows for the automation of transportation cost calculations and provides control over accrued freight. Additionally, TMS enables tracking expenses related to cargo, routes, and vehicles, allowing companies to reduce costs and ensure efficient control over financial expenditures. Monitoring the efficiency of transportation processes is another important function of TMS, which allows for tracking the movement of vehicles and the execution of trips. Therefore, TMS is suitable for companies seeking an effective tool for managing their transportation processes and reducing expenses.


        Why is a TMS system beneficial for a transportation company?

        The TMS (Transport Management System) is a beneficial tool for transportation companies as it helps reduce risks associated with errors and increase operational efficiency. With TMS, companies can automate the calculation of transportation costs and ensure effective control over accrued freight. Additionally, TMS allows for tracking expenses related to cargo, routes, and vehicles, enabling companies to lower costs and maintain efficient control over financial expenditures. Monitoring the efficiency of transportation processes is yet another crucial function of TMS. Through this system, companies can track the movement of vehicles and the execution of trips, allowing for timely identification of issues and ensuring effective control over transportation processes. Therefore, TMS is an essential tool for companies with a high volume of transportation processes that require effective management.

        Choosing an automated TMS system

        One of the key aspects when choosing a TMS (Transport Management System) is ensuring that the system meets the company’s needs. Each company has unique requirements for managing transportation processes, so it’s important to find a system that best aligns with these needs.

        Additionally, considering the functionality of the TMS is crucial. The system should offer a range of useful functions that aid in managing transportation processes. Make sure that the system has all the necessary features you require.

        Furthermore, it’s important to take into account the integration capabilities of the TMS with other systems used in the company. This will ensure a unified database and efficient tracking of transportation processes.

        Lastly, considering the cost of the system and its alignment with the company’s budget is essential. Ensure that the TMS fits within your budget and serves as an effective tool for managing transportation processes.

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