Development of BIG DATA solutions

Developing effective data-driven solutions

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    Data storage

    This is a complex process that involves collecting, storing, and processing large volumes of data. Specialized databases and technologies like Hadoop, NoSQL, among others, are used for storing Big Data. Hadoop is a framework for processing and storing large volumes of data. It consists of two main components - Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) and MapReduce. HDFS allows for storing large amounts of data on different servers, while MapReduce allows for processing this data by distributing it across different nodes in the cluster. NoSQL is a type of database that allows for storing and processing large volumes of structured and unstructured data. It is used for storing Big Data as it enables fast and efficient data processing without requiring a strictly defined data schema. Additionally, cloud technologies like Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform (GCP) can be used for storing Big Data. These technologies enable storing and processing large volumes of data in a cloud environment, providing high availability and scalability. Storing Big Data is a complex process that requires significant effort and resources. However, storing and analyzing Big Data can enable companies and organizations to discover new opportunities and gain a more comprehensive understanding of the market and industry situation.

    Data management

    This is a complex process that involves collecting, storing, and processing large volumes of data. Special databases and technologies like Hadoop, NoSQL, and others are used for Big Data storage. Hadoop is a framework for processing and storing large amounts of data, consisting of two main components - Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) and MapReduce. HDFS allows storing large amounts of data on different servers, while MapReduce enables processing this data by distributing it across various nodes in the cluster. NoSQL is a type of database that allows storing and processing large volumes of structured and unstructured data. It is used for Big Data storage as it allows for quick and efficient data processing without requiring a strictly defined data schema. Additionally, cloud technologies such as Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform (GCP) can be used for storing Big Data. These technologies enable storing and processing large volumes of data in a cloud environment, providing high availability and scalability. Storing Big Data is a complex process that requires significant effort and resources. However, storing and analyzing Big Data can enable companies and organizations to discover new opportunities and gain a more comprehensive understanding of the market and industry trends.

    Data visualization

    This is the process of representing large volumes of data in the form of graphs, charts, tables, and other visual elements. This process allows for more effective analysis and comprehension of data, helps identify patterns and trends in the data, and aids in making informed decisions based on the data. To visualize Big Data, specialized software tools and libraries like Tableau, QlikView, D3.js, and others can be used. These tools enable the creation of high-quality graphics and charts that facilitate more efficient data analysis.

    Data analytics

    This is the process of collecting, processing, and analyzing large volumes of data to identify trends and dependencies. Specialized technologies and tools such as Hadoop, Spark, NoSQL, and others are used for Big Data analysis. These technologies enable working with large data volumes and ensure fast and efficient data processing. Big Data analytics allows companies and organizations to use data for decision-making and planning based on objective information. This process can be applied to various tasks, such as crime detection, weather forecasting, market analysis, and much more. It can also be used to improve business processes, for example, increasing production efficiency and reducing costs.

    Stages of work


    Problem analysis

    Task analysis is the first stage in working with Big Data. At this stage, it is determined which data is necessary to address a specific task and which tools need to be used for their processing. Data analysis methods such as machine learning, statistical analysis, regression analysis, and others may be employed for this purpose.


    Terms of reference for Big Data development

    Next comes the development of the technical specification, which defines how the data will be collected, stored, processed, and analyzed. At this stage, parameters such as cloud technologies for data storage, the use of databases, and the selection of tools for data processing and analysis may be determined.


    Planning and design

    This is the stage where any project decisions regarding data storage, processing, and visualization are determined. Methods of data visualization, such as graphs, charts, and other visual elements, may be defined at this stage.


    Program development of Big Data

    This is the stage where software is developed for storing, processing, and analyzing data. During this phase, tools like Hadoop, NoSQL, Spark, and others may be used. These technologies allow for the storage, processing, and analysis of large volumes of data, ensuring fast and efficient data processing.



    Testing is an important stage in working with Big Data. During this phase, the correctness of the software and data visualization is verified. Testing can be conducted using various tools such as Pytest, Selenium, and others.


    Launch and support

    Implementation and support are the final stages of working with Big Data. During this phase, the project is put into operation, and users undergo training. Additionally, project support and resolution of any potential issues that may arise are carried out. Developing and working with Big Data is a complex process that requires specialized knowledge and skills. It's important to have an understanding of statistics and mathematics, as well as proficiency in programming and database management. Furthermore, having an understanding of business processes and potential challenges within specific industries is crucial.

    Discuss the project

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      Mykola Kysel


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        We answer the most frequently asked questions


        Why collect and analyze data?

        Data analysis allows companies and organizations to discover new opportunities and gain a more comprehensive understanding of the market and industry landscape. Utilizing data analytics can assist companies in making objective decisions based on data, reducing costs, improving efficiency, and enhancing the quality of products or services. Additionally, data analytics can be used to identify trends and dependencies, aiding in strategic planning and business development. Consequently, data collection and analysis have become increasingly crucial components of modern business, enabling companies to remain competitive in the market.


        How Big Data technologies increase business efficiency

        Big Data technologies enable companies and organizations to collect and analyze large volumes of data, which can help improve efficiency and competitiveness in the market. Here are some of the Big Data technologies that can be used to enhance business operations:

        1. Hadoop: This is open-source software that allows processing large volumes of data across server clusters. Hadoop can be used for collecting, storing, and processing data from various sources.
        2. Spark: It’s a data processing tool that can be used for analyzing large volumes of data. Spark enables working with data in real-time and ensures fast and efficient data processing.
        3. NoSQL: This is a type of database that allows storing and processing large volumes of structured and unstructured data. NoSQL can be used for storing data from various sources and performing data analytics.
        4. Machine Learning: This is a field of artificial intelligence that allows computers to learn from data and make predictions based on that data. Machine learning can be used to identify trends and dependencies in large volumes of data and develop forecasts.
        5. Data Visualization: It’s the process of creating visual representations of data, allowing users to better understand and analyze the data. Data visualization can be used to identify trends and dependencies in large volumes of data, as well as for planning and decision-making based on objective data.

        What determines the cost of developing Big Data solutions?

        The cost of developing Big Data technology solutions depends on several factors, including:

        1. Data Volume: The larger the volume of data that needs to be processed, the higher the development cost.
        2. Project Complexity: If the project is complex and requires additional effort, the development cost will be higher.
        3. Use of Third-Party Tools and Technologies: Utilizing third-party technologies and tools can increase the development cost.
        4. Number and Complexity of Integrations: If the project requires integration with other systems, it can raise the development cost.
        5. Experience Level of the Development Team: An experienced development team may be more effective and deliver a higher-quality result, but this can also increase the development cost.

        When developing a Big Data project, it’s important to choose the right development team and analyze all the factors that may affect the development cost.

        How it works?

        Big Data refers to large volumes of data that can be collected from various sources such as social media, sensors, medical records, and others. Big Data contains a vast amount of information that can be used for decision-making and understanding trends.

        Various technologies and tools like Hadoop, Spark, NoSQL, and others are used for working with Big Data. These technologies enable working with large volumes of data and provide fast and efficient data processing.

        Big Data analytics is the process of collecting, processing, and analyzing large volumes of data to identify trends and dependencies. Specialized technologies and tools like Hadoop, Spark, NoSQL, among others, are used for Big Data analysis. These technologies allow for working with large volumes of data and ensure swift and efficient data processing.

        Big Data visualization enables companies and organizations to use data for decision-making and action planning based on objective information. Big Data visualization can be applied in various fields such as marketing, medicine, finance, and others. For instance, in medicine, Big Data visualization can be used to analyze medical data and identify correlations between different health indicators. In business, Big Data visualization can help uncover trends and dependencies in sales and other business metrics.

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        3. Big Data