SAAS development

The software as a service model can become a new vector for your business development

Types of SAAS solutions

There are several types of SAAS solutions used in business and other industries. The most common ones are:


    CRM (Customer Relationship Management) is a system designed to manage customer relationships. It allows you to store information about customers, their contacts, history of interaction with the company, and other data. This allows businesses to focus on improving customer relationships and ensure more efficient sales of products and services.


    ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) is a system that allows you to manage various aspects of business, such as finance, logistics, production, and others. It helps to ensure efficient business operations and reduce the cost of managing various processes.


    HRM (Human Resource Management) is a system that allows you to manage various aspects of human resource management, such as hiring new employees, time tracking, payroll, and others. It helps to ensure more efficient personnel management and reduce the cost of managing various processes.


    E-commerce is a system that allows you to create and manage online stores. It allows you to ensure the efficient operation of the store and provide more effective sales of products and services.

    Project management

    Project management is a system that allows you to manage various projects carried out in business. It allows you to ensure effective teamwork and provide more efficient project management.

    Stages of turnkey website development


    Project evaluation

    Identify the target audience; Set goals and objectives that the product should solve; Calculate the required amount of resources. You get a complete summary of the project, including the cost and duration of development.


    Defining functionality

    Defining functionality


    UI/UX design

    Develop the system structure; Create a prototype; Develop a design layout. Detailed visualization of the future system.



    At the stage of website development, specialists connect third-party programs and services that are required by the business. These include CRM, ERP, APIs for business, various payment systems, cards, and other tools. The task is to make your website even more useful, expand its capabilities and usability, while reducing the cost of development.



    The website is checked for vulnerability and load. It is important that it is stable, especially if payment systems are connected. This is one of the most rigorous stages of website development, where specialists search for and close vulnerabilities. We use modern technologies and development platforms to secure your website. We guarantee reliable protection and security of your customers' personal data.



    Before the release, we conduct additional testing by simulating user actions. We check the security system, load, usability, and evaluate the product's performance once again. If necessary, we make changes. After the tests, we upload the website to the hosting and attach the domain. At this point, the creation of a website for business is complete. But we provide warranty technical support and make sure that everything works. You can also order an ongoing website maintenance service.

    Discuss the project

    Feel free to reach out to us for a free consultation. This is an opportunity to discuss your ideas with digitalization experts. Leave your number, and we will call you back!

      Mykola Kysel


      I help my clients solve complex business challenges through custom IT solutions.

      years in the company
      successful projects

      Comprehensive Solutions

      Prices and solutions


      CRM - systems

      from 10000$

      ERP - systems

      from 12000$

      WMS - systems

      from 10000$

      TMS - systems

      from 10000$

      SAAS - systems

      from $35/hr

      SAP - systems

      from $35/hr


        We answer the most frequently asked questions


        What is SAAS?

        SAAS (Software as a Service) is a software distribution model in which software is hosted on a provider’s servers and made available to users via the Internet. SAAS allows users to access software without having to install and configure it on their own computers. This reduces the cost of purchasing and maintaining software for users and provides greater accessibility and mobility. SAAS also allows businesses to focus on their core business, reduce software development and maintenance costs, and provide a high level of security as all data is stored in the cloud, which helps to ensure that it is protected from unauthorized access.


        Why do we need web services?

        Web services have become an integral part of the modern IT world. They allow you to interact with other systems and services via the Internet. Web services allow you to access various functions and data located on other servers without having to install and configure software on your own computers.

        One of the most common types of web services is SaaS, which is software as a service, as mentioned above. SaaS allows users to access software via the Internet, while ensuring high quality and efficiency of the system. In addition, SaaS reduces the cost of purchasing and maintaining software for users and provides greater accessibility and mobility.

        In addition to SaaS, there are other types of web services, such as PaaS (platform as a service) and IaaS (infrastructure as a service). PaaS allows developers to access various tools and services to create and deploy applications in a cloud environment. IaaS allows users to access infrastructure (servers, networks, data storage, etc.) over the Internet.


        What projects should be implemented on SAAS platforms?

        Implementing projects on SaaS platforms can be beneficial for businesses in various industries. For example, SaaS can be used to implement projects in e-commerce, project management, customer relationship management, employee relationship management, data analysis, and many other areas.

        When developing SaaS solutions for business, you should take into account the needs and specifics of your customers. To do this, you can conduct market analysis and customer research. It is also important to develop SaaS solutions based on modern technologies and approaches to ensure high quality and efficiency of the system.

        The main advantages of implementing projects on SaaS platforms are reduced costs for software acquisition and maintenance, greater accessibility and mobility, reduced costs for software and infrastructure development and maintenance, focus on core business activities, and more efficient business management.

        Choosing an automated SAAS system

        If you’re looking for a reliable and experienced partner for SaaS development, inDev Group is the right one for you! Our company has extensive experience in developing SaaS solutions for various business sectors. We use modern technologies and approaches, such as cloud computing, microservice architecture, and various frameworks and technologies to ensure high quality and efficiency of our SaaS solutions.

        Our experts know how to ensure a high level of security and data protection in your SaaS system. We use the best practices and technologies to ensure your data is safe and secure and to avoid possible data security issues.

        In addition, we use Agile development methodology, which allows us to effectively collaborate with our clients and respond quickly to their needs. We offer a full SaaS development cycle, including requirements analysis, development, testing, and support.

        So, if you need a reliable and efficient SaaS solution, don’t hesitate to contact inDev Group! Our experts will help you with the development and launch of your SaaS system and ensure its high quality and efficiency.

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        3. CRM - systems
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        5. SAAS