Google Ads

Effective advertising appears in the right place and at the right time for the user. Google Ads advertising allows you to control these factors.

We will help you

Request a free consultation - our experts will find the most effective solution.

    Professionalism is based on knowledge

    Collaborating with our experts allows us to achieve the best results in Google advertising campaigns. Continuous deepening of knowledge in advertising enables us to effectively and optimally set up all types of ads in the search engine. Experts assist in selecting appropriate ad formats and their content or visual components, adjusting the schedule for displaying advertising messages.

    Specialized support

    Our experts continually refine their skills, culminating in Google Advanced exams. The acquired advertising certificates enable us to maintain our status as a Google Partner. This comes with a range of benefits for your advertising campaign, as accounts of professional agencies receive professional and regular support from Google. Thanks to this, paid advertising through Google AdWords is even better tailored and reaches the intended target audience as expected.

    Monitoring of company promotion

    Another advantage of entrusting Advertising to specialists is their professional tracking and regular analysis of the advertising campaign's progress. Professional optimization of the ad quality score enables the campaign to be carried out effectively with minimal expenses.

    Performance reporting

    We provide reports on the results of our work. We link the Advertising account with the Google Analytics account, where you can constantly monitor the effectiveness of the advertising campaign in the search network. We are transparent - we want you to know about our actions and have a solid foundation to trust us.

    Stages of setting up Google contextual advertising


    Preparation of an advertising project

    Stage of prioritization and processing of the advertising project's audiences. As part of the preparatory work, we will take care of the ad text and its clickability. We will study your competitors and develop an effective growth strategy.


    Developing the basis of an advertising campaign

    We will configure the ad display mode and the list of keywords, conduct an analysis of queries that are not suitable (negative keywords). Quality negation contributes to the influx of relevant audience to the web resource.


    Setting up contextual advertising in Google

    We will directly configure contextual advertising in Google Ads. We will set the previously selected campaign parameters and, if necessary, additional extensions. For maximum effectiveness, we will select a list of platforms that align with the ad content's theme.


    Support of an advertising campaign

    The inDev Group team monitors the interim results of launching contextual advertising, then based on the obtained metrics, makes adjustments and develops recommendations for optimizing the advertising campaign settings.



    The results of all website promotion activities need to be constantly analyzed; their effectiveness and the expediency of further implementation need to be evaluated. Only in this way can optimal promotion strategies be found, budgets optimized, and the best results achieved in a relatively short time frame. Without analytics, all actions are essentially taken blindly, and the results often become unpredictable. We do not recommend working in such a manner!



    Comprehensive and transparent reporting helps the client see what work has been done, where their funds are allocated, and what results have already been achieved at a specific stage. Promoting a website to foreign markets requires particularly careful and regular analysis with the provision of reports, as it is highly dynamic. The ability to adapt quickly is crucial. And if you can't see the results of the promotion, it's simply impossible to do it effectively.

    Discuss the project

    Contact us for a free consultation, which is an opportunity to discuss your ideas with digitalization experts. Leave your number and we will call you back!

      Mykola Kysel


      I help my clients solve complex business problems with custom IT solutions

      years in the company
      successful projects

      Comprehensive Solutions

      Prices and solutions


      Promotion of a service website

      from 500$

      Promotion of an online store

      from 1000$

      International SEO

      from 1500$


        We answer the most frequently asked questions


        What is the procedure at the beginning of cooperation?

        Before launching the campaign, we perform thorough preparation:

        1. We align priority directions.
        2. We refine the target audience.
        3. We gather semantics.
        4. We develop clickable ad text following all marketing principles.
        5. We set optimal bids and regularly adjust them to maximize the budget’s effectiveness. Weekly, we analyze the results and conduct A/B testing.

        How fast does Google contextual advertising launch?

        3-8 days. During this time, we:

        1. Study the niche.
        2. Collect keywords and create a query map.
        3. Develop ad variations.
        4. Configure displays in the client’s dashboard and launch the campaign.

        The next 2 weeks involve gathering results, testing, and adjusting displays. Through regular adjustments and position monitoring, the advertising cost decreases, and your profits increase. Because we know how to do it.


        When to expect results from Google Ads

        Properly targeted contextual advertising in tandem with a compelling ad copy will yield initial results in the coming days. Following the test launch, our expert examines the results and, if necessary, performs retargeting adjustments to further increase the campaign’s traffic. It’s crucial that the ad directs the user to a high-quality page with engaging content and persuasive elements. Otherwise, contextual advertising won’t be effective – users might click, but they’ll quickly leave the page.

        Benefits of promoting International SEO

        Service Cost

        The cost of promoting a website on Google depends on several factors:

        • Website size
        • Level of competition
        • Technical condition of the resource
        • Age of the domain
        • Domain zone

        Our experts need to thoroughly examine the resource before they can calculate the budget for its promotion. That’s why the first step in the list of tasks is a technical audit.

        If you want to determine the exact cost of promoting your resource or receive a free consultation, you can contact us by phone or through any convenient method listed on the website.

        1. Main
        2. /
        3. SEO website promotion
        4. /
        5. Google Ads