International SEO

Increase in applications and calls, expanding the reach of the target audience Increase in brand popularity on the Internet

What does the SEO website optimization service include

InDev provides clients with comprehensive contextual advertising services, starting from marketing analysis of the business, and ending with the launch of advertising campaigns and monitoring their results to improve performance indicators. Ordering contextual advertising is an excellent choice if you need results as quickly as possible and don't have time to wait for the effects of SEO promotion.

We generate over 4 million visitors a year to our clients' websites


More than 2000 successfully implemented projects


For 22 years of experience in the IT field, we have received hundreds of awards and certificates


Offices in 4 countries - Ukraine, Poland, Germany, USA


How to start promoting an English-language website?

If you have a website and you want to promote it on international markets, the first thing you should do is analyze your niche and identify your competitors, taking into account their strengths and weaknesses in terms of SEO.

  • Niche analysis will help form an understanding of what to expect from competitors, evaluate the budgets needed for website promotion, and develop a strategy for promoting your site in your desired region.
  • Starting the journey. For a business aimed at profitability, comprehensive web development is relevant from the moment of its opening. You can entrust your fate and promote your online store independently. In this case, be prepared for the loss of time and resources, and for the complete misalignment of expectations with reality. The experts at inDev can guide you on which direction to take and what to do to attract conversions to your web project.
  • Lack of clients. You may already have your niche in the market, but you understand that you have the potential to attract more interested customers in your product. When you have neither ideas nor tools to effectively introduce yourself to others, comprehensive promotion of the online store according to a plan developed by an experienced SEO team is necessary.
  • Need for advertising. Do you want to make your online store more popular and surpass your competitors? If you feel lost in the diversity of promotion channels or assess the effect of your current campaign as unsatisfactory, a comprehensive promotion of the online store according to a plan developed by an experienced SEO team is necessary.

Stages of website promotion


Website analysis and promotion strategy

This is one of the first and most crucial stages. Our task is to understand all the specifics of the client's niche and thoroughly study the key competitors. This information is critically important for the next step - developing a promotion strategy. Niche analysis allows us to immediately identify optimal approaches and prevent common mistakes that your competitors may have already made. Learning from others' experiences is not only possible but necessary!


Promotion strategy

While technically, promoting an English-language website is not significantly different from a Ukrainian-language one, developing a strategy in this case is usually carried out even more thoroughly. It consists of two major stages - internal and external optimization. And within them, there are individual steps that can vary from project to project. Starting promotion without a promotion strategy is strongly discouraged!


Internal optimization

Internal optimization encompasses a large amount of work - identifying and rectifying technical errors on the website, collecting and clustering the semantic core, writing new texts for pages and refining existing ones, configuring internal linking and breadcrumbs, improving navigation, addressing UX/UI, speeding up page loading, and much more. To be at the top, an English-language website must be truly perfect from a technical standpoint!


Link building

Link building is the process of increasing external backlinks. This involves increasing the number of inbound links from external sources, which helps search engines better rank your website and place it at the top. It's important to remember that both the quantity and quality of these backlinks matter. Therefore, it's necessary to build the backlink profile from authoritative sources. This may be more challenging and costly, but the impact of link building will be much more significant for your website.



Analyzing the results of all website promotion efforts is crucial. It's necessary to assess their effectiveness and the viability of further implementation. This is the only way to find optimal promotion strategies, optimize the budget, and achieve the best results within a relatively short period. Without analytics, all actions are essentially taken blindly, and the outcomes often become unpredictable. We strongly advise against working in this manner!



Comprehensive and transparent reporting helps the client see what work has been done, where their budget is allocated, and what results have already been achieved at a specific stage. Promoting a website to an international market requires particularly thorough and regular analysis with detailed reporting, as it is highly dynamic. Being able to adapt quickly is crucial. Without seeing the results of the promotion efforts, it's simply impossible to proceed.

We will help you

Request a free consultation - our experts will find the most effective solution

    Develop a unique design

    The designers at InDev company provide unique solutions tailored to each business sector and create interfaces in the corporate style. If you don't have your own style, our specialists will develop it. As a result, you will receive a unique design that enhances the company's image.

    Solving business problems

    Our experts create modern websites with unique tools that help solve business tasks. Thanks to this, many business tasks are automated and optimized. Programmers develop custom tools for each industry.

    Introduce new technologies

    We pay special attention to the interface. The user should feel comfortable, safe, and understand how to work with the website. We develop modern websites on any device using cutting-edge technologies. They display correctly, load quickly, and work flawlessly.

    Connect third-party services

    Databases, payment systems, maps, and other third-party services will work on your website. Our specialists create modern websites that allow comfortable interaction with customers. This significantly expands the business opportunities.

    Define the strategy

    During the project discussion, we set tasks and develop a promotion strategy. We implement advertising tools to help promote the website. We create a well-known internet resource that is in demand among clients and attracts a new audience.

    Launch and maintain the project

    Our specialists not only create modern websites but also assist in launching the project. Testing is performed, and the website is uploaded to hosting. We train your employees to use the interface, provide technical support, and guide you through the entire launch process.

    Discuss the project

    Contact us for a free consultation, it's an opportunity to discuss your ideas with digitalization experts. Leave your number, we will call you back!

      Mykola Kysel


      I help my clients solve complex business problems with custom IT solutions

      years in the company
      successful projects

      Comprehensive solutions

      Are you looking for search engine optimization for your website? Our team of SEO experts is ready to tailor our strategies to your needs and capabilities, whether you're a large e-commerce store or a local website. We work throughout Ukraine and provide services in Kyiv, Kharkiv, Dnipro, Odesa, Lviv, and Zaporizhia.

      Prices and solutions


      Promotion of a service website

      from 500$

      Promotion of an online store

      from 1000$

      International promotion

      from 1500$


        We answer the most common questions


        Why should you order promotion from us?

        Because your project will be handled by a team that has the necessary expertise in SEO in Western markets.


        What guarantees do I get?

        We are ready to guarantee you top placement in search results, payment for acquired traffic, and payment based on results achieved. Additionally, we offer a money-back guarantee in case the desired results are not attained. We assure high-quality work, including adherence to project timelines, engagement of only our own experts, timely completion of tasks as per the contract, weekly detailed reports on search traffic, and monthly reports on all KPIs.


        What is included in the promotion service

        If we put it in the shortest terms, international website promotion involves niche analysis, development of promotion strategy, internal and external optimization, result analytics, and report preparation. However, in reality, it is a much more complex and comprehensive process with numerous additional stages that require a serious and thoughtful approach. A mistake at one of the steps can affect all subsequent promotion results.


        What is the cost of services?

        The cost of promoting an English-language website on Google depends on several factors:

        1. Website size.
        2. Level of competition.
        3. Technical condition of the resource.
        4. Services of authors or translators.
        5. Domain age.
        6. Domain zone.

        Experts need to thoroughly study the resource before they can calculate the budget for its promotion. That’s why the first stage in the list of tasks is a technical audit.

        If you want to determine the exact cost of promoting your resource or get a free consultation, you can contact us by phone or using any convenient method listed on the website.

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        3. SEO website promotion