Development of complex websites

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Request a free consultation - our experts will find the most effective solution.

    We provide scalability

    We create robust systems that can scale to multiple cores on one or multiple servers in a network. Scalable systems can handle an ever-increasing workload and enhance interactions designed for many users.

    We ensure maximum reliability

    We develop systems that are resilient to component failures, including software and network outages, and ensure high availability of user content. Our goal is zero downtime for the system.

    We provide competent optimization

    We maximize hardware resources efficiently when working with large datasets. If needed, we optimize memory usage and available computational power using event-driven and distributed architectures. Our experts employ concise languages to achieve higher performance with fewer lines of code.

    We provide resistance to high loads

    We ensure high computational speed and uninterrupted operation with short response times. We leverage load balancing and cloud computing capabilities for critical user operations and real-time data processing to enhance performance.

    Communication with clients

    Clients will receive regular notifications, up-to-date information, and answers to their questions. A corporate website serves as a tool to improve communication with potential and existing clients. Most importantly, it helps establish a trusted interaction. Moreover, this process is significantly streamlined and even automated at certain stages.

    Updating information

    Creating a corporate website allows for the quick updating of information, keeping it current. Share company news, be transparent with partners and clients – this is the path to growth and enhanced image. Prices and assortments can be easily updated, and you can provide the necessary and current information. Keep everyone informed about changes, special offers, and target them directly.

    Scaling the company

    Exactly, certain tasks of a corporate website ensure the company's growth. This happens by attracting new clients, expanding the geographic reach, and broadening the target audience. Additionally, corporate websites help identify potential partners and organize mutually beneficial collaborations and deals. This leads to further growth and scaling.

    Building an image

    Your potential clients and partners look at how the website looks, what information is provided, and what you offer. Posting photos of the company, providing detailed information about the company, client reviews, and displaying certificates all have a positive impact on the image. Be open, communicate with clients in a way that is understandable to them, and their loyalty will be boundless. Trustful interaction is the key to a successful image and gaining repeat clients.

    Stages of turnkey website development


    Research and development of TS

    Discussion with the client about their preferences and expectations regarding the structure and functionality of the personal account on the website. Clear technical specifications (ТS) with project delivery deadlines are crucial.


    UI/UX design

    Development of a user-friendly interface and intuitively understandable visual design for the personal account. Approval of the design with the client. Prototyping of the personal account screens with a user-friendly interface.


    Development of a web account

    Writing code by programmers and designing new pages. Subsequent testing of the developed product. The technical part of the project is ready.



    Embedding new functionality into the website and subsequently integrating it with wallets, payment systems, chatbots, etc. The product is ready for release.


    Launching and support

    Release and subsequent launch of the project, warranty and post-warranty maintenance of the corporate portal. The client is satisfied with the quality of the corporate website.

    Discuss the project

    Feel free to reach out to us for a free consultation. This is an opportunity to discuss your ideas with digitalization experts. Leave your number, and we will call you back!

      Mykola Kysel


      I help my clients solve complex business challenges through custom IT solutions.

      years in the company
      successful projects

      Comprehensive Solutions

      Prices and solutions


      Development of complex websites

      from 10000$


        We answer the most frequently asked questions


        What's behind the development of complex websites?

        The development of complex websites always starts with thorough planning. A detailed plan allows for anticipating possible issues and risks during the development process. Additionally, a crucial aspect will be the selection of the technology stack and work strategy. However, all of this would be ineffective without experienced professionals who make the creation of complex websites a straightforward task.


        How prices for creating a complex website are formed?

        Creating a complex website is a custom development, and its cost depends on many factors. Among them, we can mention the type of the future website, its structure, design, and more. Additionally, the size of the development team has a significant impact on the price. The more experts are involved and the more qualified they are, the higher the cost of their work. Get in touch with us, and our managers will be able to accurately calculate the development cost.



        What technologies are required for websites with personal accounts?

        We strive to select the most efficient technology stack that addresses business objectives. Our goal is to create an effective website with a personal account that accomplishes set goals. For lightweight projects without high loads or complex tasks that do not require custom tools, we use technologies like PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, and others. They help implement the project quickly without a significant budget allocation.

        However, this stack may not always suffice for the given tasks. If unique tools need to be implemented, the website experiences high load, or there is a need for interaction with numerous services, we apply other technologies such as Vue.JS, Python, Django, PostgreSQL, and others. Our specialists’ task is to create a website with a personal account that works quickly, continuously, and securely.


        What are the peculiarities of creating a complex website development

        Development of a personal account for a website opens up wide opportunities for businesses. Implementing new tools, automating processes, streamlining document flow, providing detailed reporting are just a fraction of what a personal account can offer. It helps organize work within the company and improve interaction with customers. The functionality may vary, but there are recommended minimum tools that should be implemented during the development of personal accounts:

        • User registration and authentication form with role assignment.
        • User profile card.
        • Interaction history with partners and clients.
        • Personal loyalty programs, information about discounts, bonuses, and other individual privileges.
        • Document flow tools for order automation and acceleration.
        • Online chat for communication between the company and the client.
        • Tools for automatic calculations and standard contract drafting.
        • Reporting tools.

        We will help you compile a custom toolset for your business field.

        1. Main
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        3. Mobile applications
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        5. Development of complex websites