Development of a website with a personal account

Provide your customers with flexible, personalized service

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    Communication with customers

    Clients will regularly receive notifications, fresh information, and answers to their inquiries. The corporate website is a tool that helps establish communication with potential and existing clients. And most importantly, it builds trustful interaction. Moreover, the process is significantly simplified and even automated at certain stages.

    Updating information

    Creating a corporate website allows for quick updates to keep information current. Share company news, be open with partners and clients; this is the path to growth and improved image. It's easy to update prices, assortment, and provide the necessary and up-to-date information. Announce changes, special offers, and hit the target directly.

    Company scaling

    Some tasks of a corporate website ensure the company's growth. This happens by attracting new clients, expanding the geographical reach, and broadening the target audience. Additionally, corporate websites help identify potential partners and organize mutually beneficial collaborations and deals. This leads to further growth and scaling.

    Building image

    Your potential clients and partners look at how the website looks, what information is provided, and what you offer. Posting photos of the company, providing detailed information about the company, client reviews, and displaying certificates have a positive impact on your image. Be open, communicate with clients in a language they understand, and their loyalty will know no bounds. Trustful interaction is the key to a successful image and gaining loyal customers.

    Stages of turnkey website development


    Research and development of technical specifications(TS)

    Discussion with the client regarding their preferences and expectations for the structure and functionality of the personal account on the website. Clear project requirements and deadlines outlined in the technical specifications (ТS).


    UI/UX design

    Development of a user-friendly interface and intuitively understandable visual design for the personal account. Approval of the design with the client. Prototyping of the personal account screens with a user-friendly interface.


    Development of a web account

    Writing code by programmers and designing new pages. Subsequent testing of the developed product. The technical part of the project is ready.



    Embedding new functionality into the website and subsequently integrating it with wallets, payment systems, chatbots, etc. The product is ready for release.


    Launching and support

    Release and subsequent launch of the project, warranty and post-warranty maintenance of the corporate portal. The client is satisfied with the quality of the corporate website.

    Discuss the project

    Feel free to reach out to us for a free consultation. This is an opportunity to discuss your ideas with digitalization experts. Leave your number, and we will call you back!

      Mykola Kysel


      I help my clients solve complex business challenges through custom IT solutions.

      years in the company
      successful projects

      Comprehensive Solutions

      Prices and solutions


      Development of a website with a personal account

      from 10 000$


        We answer the most frequently asked questions


        How to understand that you need to create a personal account on your website

        If customers lack personalized functionality (such as purchase or transaction history), creating a personal account can be an excellent solution. It will also help maintain customer engagement and loyalty.


        Why do you need a personal account for a business client?

        Creating a personal account simplifies, speeds up, and reduces costs associated with buying, selling, receiving, and providing goods or services. To do this, the user of the personal account can use a variety of tools, including communication services, accounting, and payment for completed transactions.


        Why does a client need an account?

        The account helps personalize the experience for customers, allowing them to customize the website’s capabilities to their preferences. The user gains the ability to select products and services with minimal effort.


        How to choose the functionality to create your own account?

        The choice of functionality for a website’s personal account depends on the specific nature of the company’s activities and the list of tasks it aims to address. Each project should be discussed separately: it’s difficult to compare a B2B personal account with a user account on a pizza delivery website, for example.


        How much does it cost to develop your own account?

        The cost of developing a personal account is discussed individually for each project and depends on the functionality, complexity, and project timeline.


        What technologies are required for websites with personal accounts?

        We strive to select the most effective technology stack that addresses the business’s objectives. Our goal is to create a website with a personal account that performs its intended functions quickly, continuously, and securely. For lighter projects with low traffic, simple tasks, and no need for custom tools, we use technologies such as PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, and others. These help implement the project quickly without a significant budget investment.

        However, this technology stack may not always be sufficient for the tasks at hand. If the business requires the implementation of unique tools, the website experiences high traffic, or there is a need to integrate with numerous services, we employ other technologies like Vue.JS, Python, Django, PostgreSQL, and others. Our specialists’ task is to create a website with a personal account that works quickly, continuously, and securely.

        Features of creating a website with a personal account

        Development of a personal account for a website opens up wide opportunities for businesses. Implementing new tools, automating processes, streamlining document flow, and providing detailed reporting are just a small fraction of what a personal account can offer. It helps organize internal company operations and improve interaction with customers. The functionality can vary, but there are recommended minimum tools that should be implemented during the development of personal accounts:

        • User registration and authentication with role assignment
        • User profile page
        • Interaction history with partners and clients
        • Personal loyalty programs, information about discounts, bonuses, and other individual privileges
        • Document flow tools for order automation and acceleration
        • Online chat for communication between the company and the client
        • Automatic calculation tools and standard contract creation
        • Reporting tools

        We will help you create a customized toolset for your business.

        1. Main
        2. /
        3. Mobile applications
        4. /
        5. Personal account