Creating marketplaces

Need your own digital hypermarket? Then you've come to the right place

We will help you

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    Development of B2C/B2B online stores

    We develop online stores for businesses that sell 24/7. They help streamline customer interactions and remove barriers. High-quality online stores with unique functionality contribute to the growth of a company.

    Development of wholesale B2B systems

    B2B portals provide the opportunity to work with wholesale clients, suppliers, and enterprises. Transparency in transactions, personalized approach, and tailored solutions increase the level of trust and aid in sales.

    Online store redesign

    If you already have a website that has become outdated, is not generating profit, or if you're spending too much on advertising, we offer a redesign service. We take into account modern requirements and enhance functionality.

    Audit of an online store

    We assess the effectiveness of your online store, develop a personalized growth strategy, and assist in scaling your company. We conduct a detailed analysis of competitors, customers, and business processes.

    Technical support

    We create customized tools for managing businesses in the online space, improve the technical condition of the website, and ensure that online stores operate seamlessly and efficiently. We place special emphasis on security and performance.

    Marketing of an online store

    We increase brand awareness, help attract a new audience, and improve loyalty metrics. Develop your online store using effective marketing strategies tailored to your business.

    Stages of turnkey website development


    Research and Strategy Development

    Before starting the development of a website for a business, it is essential to conduct a thorough analysis of competitors, study the target audience, understand the business needs, and determine what tasks the product will solve. Analysts gather information and use it to create a development strategy. The specific industry, business operations, and market conditions are taken into account. This way, we provide the client with a platform that helps them outperform their competitors.


    Creating design

    The designer carefully considers the visual appearance of the website and develops the interface. Additionally, a prototype is created to provide a clear vision of the end product. This allows for the consideration of all nuances, determining the placement of elements, and compiling technical specifications for the programmers. The goal is to create a user-friendly and practical website with a design that maintains its individuality and relevance over time. It's important for the user to navigate easily and have a friendly experience.



    The technical development of the website begins. During the compilation of the technical specification, the technology stack is determined, and a team of developers is formed. Experienced specialists are selected who can handle the assigned tasks. Modules are developed, code is written, and testing is conducted in stages. This is the most time-consuming stage that requires careful attention. The goal is to create a high-quality product that is useful for clients.



    During the website development phase, our experts integrate third-party programs and services that are essential for your business. These may include CRM systems, ERP software, various business APIs, diverse payment gateways, maps, and other tools. The goal is to enhance the usefulness of your website, expand its capabilities, and improve user-friendliness, all while keeping development costs reasonable.



    The testing process involves several stages where inaccuracies in the code are identified, user interactions are simulated, and the quality of the interface is assessed. If there are any flaws, adjustments are made and they are rectified. If necessary, beta testing is conducted using real clients to evaluate performance and identify errors. The security system is also thoroughly examined.Сайт перевіряється на вразливість та навантаження. Важливо, щоб він був стабільним, особливо якщо підключаються платіжні системи. Це один із найсуворіших етапів розробки сайту, фахівці шукають та закривають вразливі місця. Ми використовуємо сучасні технології та платформи розробки, щоб убезпечити ваш сайт. Гарантуємо надійний захист та безпеку персональних даних ваших клієнтів.



    Before the release, we conduct additional testing, simulating user actions. Security, load, usability, and product performance are once again verified. If necessary, adjustments are made. After testing, we upload the site to hosting, and attach the domain. From this point, the creation of the website for your business is complete. However, we provide warranty technical support and ensure everything is functioning. You can also opt for ongoing website maintenance services.

    Discuss the project

    Feel free to reach out to us for a free consultation. This is an opportunity to discuss your ideas with digitalization experts. Leave your number, and we will call you back!

      Mykola Kysel


      I help my clients solve complex business problems with custom IT solutions

      years in the company
      successful projects

      Comprehensive Solutions

      Prices and solutions


      Marketplace project

      from 10 000$


        We answer the most frequently asked questions


        The process of creating a marketplace

        Creating a marketplace is a complex process that involves the following steps:

        1. Market analysis: Research the market, identify key players, their advantages, and disadvantages. It’s also important to determine the potential audience and their needs.
        2. Concept development: Based on the gathered data, develop the concept of the marketplace, define its main functions and features, as well as formulate the value proposition for users.
        3. Platform selection: Determine which platform the marketplace will operate on, taking into account its functionality and user needs.
        4. Design development: Create the design of the marketplace in accordance with its concept and platform.
        5. Functionality development: Based on the concept and design, develop the functionality of the marketplace, including user registration, adding products and services, payment system, user ratings, and more.
        6. Testing and launch: After developing the functionality, conduct testing of the marketplace and fix any errors. Once successful testing is complete, the marketplace can be launched and its promotion can begin.
        7. Support and development: Provide user support and continue to develop the functionality of the marketplace by adding new features and improving existing ones.

        These steps will help make your project successful and competitive.


        How long does it take to create a marketplace?

        Typically, the time required to create a marketplace depends on various factors such as project size, complexity of functional requirements, technical constraints, and budget. If using ready-made solutions like Shopify or Magento, it’s possible to create a marketplace within a few weeks. However, if developing a marketplace from scratch, it can take anywhere from several months to a year. Additionally, activities like testing, implementing security measures, and other aspects can extend the development process. Therefore, the time to create a marketplace varies based on different factors and can range from weeks to a year.


        Do you provide technical support?

        Yes, our offer includes comprehensive technical support, as well as the possibility of developing new functionality. As part of this service, we guarantee the implementation of updates and monitor the performance of the resource.

        Features of creating a marketplace

        Creating a marketplace is a complex task that requires developers to have knowledge in various fields. To successfully create a marketplace, it’s important to consider the following aspects:

        1. Platform selection: For creating a marketplace, you can use ready-made platforms like Magento, WooCommerce, Shopify, or develop your own platform from scratch.
        2. Implementation of functionality: The marketplace should have diverse functionality, including the ability to add products, manage orders, handle payments, user reviews, and other features.
        3. Design development: The marketplace design should be attractive to users and provide convenient navigation.
        4. Security measures: The marketplace should be protected against malicious attacks and ensure the security of users’ personal data.
        5. Marketing strategy: For a successful launch of the marketplace, an effective marketing strategy is needed, including advertising campaigns, SEO optimization, and other promotion methods.

        Taking these considerations into account will help create a successful and popular marketplace.


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