We will help you to

Request a free consultation - our experts will help you find the most effective solution.

    Create a unique design

    The designers at InDev company select unique solutions for each business sector and create interfaces in the corporate style. If you don't have your own style, our specialists will develop it. As a result, you will receive a unique design that enhances the company's image.

    Solve the business task

    Our specialists create modern websites with unique tools that help solve business tasks. Thanks to this, many business tasks are automated and optimized. Programmers develop individual tools for each industry.

    Implement new technologies

    We pay special attention to the interface. The user should feel comfortable, safe, and understand how to work with the website. We develop modern websites for any device using cutting-edge technologies. They are displayed correctly, load quickly, and work smoothly.

    Integrate third-party services

    Databases, payment systems, maps, and other third-party services will operate on your website. Our specialists create modern websites that allow for seamless interaction with customers. This significantly expands the capabilities of your business.

    Determine the strategy

    During project discussions, we set objectives and develop a promotion strategy. We implement advertising tools to help promote the website. We create a well-known online resource that is in demand among customers and attracts a new audience.

    Launch and maintain the project

    Our specialists not only create modern websites but also assist in launching the project. Testing is carried out, and the site is uploaded to hosting. We train your employees to use the interface, provide technical support, and guide you through to the full launch.

    Stages of turnkey website development


    Research and development of strategy

    Before starting the development of a website for business, it is crucial to conduct a detailed analysis of competitors, study the target audience, understand the needs of the business, and determine what tasks the product will address. Analysts gather information and based on it, create a development strategy. This takes into account the specific industry, business operations, and the market situation. This way, we provide the client with a platform that helps them outperform their competitors.


    Design development

    The designer carefully considers the visual appearance of the website and designs the interface. Additionally, a prototype is developed to provide a preview of how the product will look in the end. It allows for consideration of all nuances, determines the layout of elements, and compiles the technical specifications for the programmers. The goal is to create a user-friendly and practical website with a design that maintains its individuality and relevance over time. It's crucial for the user to navigate easily and feel a friendly atmosphere.



    The technical development of the website begins. During the creation of the technical specification, the technology stack is determined, and a development team is assembled. Experienced specialists are chosen who can handle the assigned tasks. Modules are formed, code is written, and testing is conducted in stages. This is the most time-consuming phase, requiring thorough attention to detail. The goal is to create a high-quality product that is useful for customers.



    During the website development phase, our experts integrate third-party programs and services that are essential for your business. This includes CRM, ERP, various business APIs, diverse payment systems, maps, and other tools. The goal is to make your website even more valuable, expand its capabilities, and enhance usability, all while minimizing development costs.



    The website is checked for vulnerabilities and load capacity. It's crucial for it to be stable, especially when integrating payment systems. This is one of the most rigorous stages of website development, where experts actively search for and address any vulnerabilities. We utilize modern technologies and development platforms to ensure the security of your website. We guarantee reliable protection and the security of your clients' personal data.



    Before the release, we conduct additional testing, simulating user actions. Security systems are double-checked, and evaluations of product performance, load capacity, and usability are performed. Changes are made if necessary. After testing, we upload the website to the hosting, attach the domain. From this point, the website development for business is completed. However, we provide a guarantee of technical support and ensure everything is working. You can also order a service for ongoing website support.

    Discuss the project

    Contact us for a free consultation, it's an opportunity to discuss your ideas with digitalization experts. Leave your number, we will call you back!

      Mykola Kysel


      I help my clients solve complex business problems with custom IT solutions

      years in the company
      successful projects

      Comprehensive Solutions

      Prices and solutions


      Corporate websites

      from 3000$

      E-commerce project

      from 5000$

      High-tech portals and systems

      from 10000$

      Digitalization on a turnkey basis

      from 10000$


      from $35/hr


        We answer the most frequently asked questions


        What you need to understand when ordering website development?

        Website development in Kyiv will cost businesses significantly less than, let’s say, in London or Chicago. Why does this happen? Because Ukrainian specialists benefit from the exchange rate difference. Ukrainian developers are valued worldwide, possess modern technologies, and can create world-class products.

        On average, the hourly rate of a specialist in Ukraine is lower than in Europe or the USA. However, the project price directly depends on the team. A team of “stars” will be more expensive, but it will handle the project much faster and with higher quality.

        How well do professionals in Kyiv and in Ukraine overall perform? Our experts are highly valued worldwide. Assembling websites for Ukrainian developers is one of the simplest tasks. Ukrainian developers have long mastered the creation of complex platforms and ecosystems for businesses. In terms of the price-quality balance, developing unique tools in Ukraine is incredibly advantageous. Clients from the USA and Europe greatly appreciate this. And, of course, Ukrainian businesses are accustomed to not having to look for outsourcers abroad, as they can find a suitable team in their own country, often even in their own city.


        Why should you entrust website development to the inDev Group company?

        We have been working in development for 10 years and know exactly what a website should be like for business. We help digitize large companies, enter large markets for medium-sized businesses, compete with well-known brands, and promote our own. Here are a few reasons why you should turn to us for website development:

        We have extensive experience working with clients of different complexity levels. Our team consists of professionals who are constantly improving their knowledge and skills. We always work for results, not just for the implementation of technical tasks. We know how to develop a product that will be effective for your business. We provide a full range of services for design, development, and promotion of websites and applications.

        Turn to us, and we will help you create a website that will truly work for your business!


        What is turnkey website development?

        Creating a turnkey website is a comprehensive process of building a platform from scratch. It includes all stages of development: from idea generation to launching the finished product and providing technical support. How does it work with us?

        You come to us with an idea for your business. Our manager provides you with a consultation – we determine what tasks the website should perform, share our experience and case studies. Perhaps the site is needed to increase revenue or to shape the company’s image, popularity, or brand development.

        Next, business analysts come into play. Their task is to form a project vision and understand what the market needs. They study competitors, your target audience, and the operational processes of your company. An NDA is signed. Later, the product manager develops a concept, and designers create prototypes.

        When we have a detailed strategy, site structure, approved design, and technical specifications, we move on to the technical development stage. Developers and web designers create the frontend and backend using a pre-determined technology stack. Each module undergoes testing, and when the work is complete, we conduct additional regression testing. Often, during the development stage, SEO specialists join the team to prepare the foundation for its search engine promotion.

        In the final stage of development, third-party services are integrated into the site, load and security testing is conducted. If necessary, your employees are trained to use the product, and it goes into release. But this is just the beginning. Ahead – a warranty period, technical support, and further work on new functionality.


        What determines the cost and timeline of website development?

        The cost of creating a turnkey website depends on many factors. Firstly, the complexity of the project. It can be a simple company brochure website with a few pages, or it can be a large e-commerce platform with a complex design, unique features, and all possible integrations. One thing is to create a small product catalog for the company, and a completely different thing is to create a marketplace.

        Website development is assessed taking into account the cost of team services. If a junior specialist is working, their hourly rate is lower than that of middle or senior developers. However, more experienced developers may handle the project faster and with higher quality. In addition, website development requires the involvement of a project manager, designer, SEO specialist. This is the minimum team, often additional specialists like business analysts, marketers, and other experts need to be involved in the project. They all also affect the cost.

        The speed of development depends on these factors. The larger the development team, the more expensive, but faster the project will be completed. Here, you already need to evaluate what is more profitable: to take longer or faster, but with a large team. Sometimes the first way is still more expensive. On average, creating a website takes from 2 months to 8-12 months. If it is a complex project, it may take longer, or be divided into several stages.


        How is a website developed?

        Website development is the process of creating and configuring a website, ensuring its functionality and design. The main stages of website development include the following:

        1. User Needs Analysis: The first stage of website development involves analyzing the needs of users. This helps developers understand what features and capabilities the website should have to meet user needs.
        2. Planning and Design: After analyzing user needs, developers begin planning and designing the website. This stage includes creating the site’s structure, design, and selecting the technologies for its implementation.
        3. Content and Design Development: Following the planning and design phase, developers start creating content for the website and selecting a design that aligns with its functionality and style.
        4. Functionality Development and Testing: After content and design development, developers proceed to develop the website’s functionality. This stage involves writing code, setting up the database, and testing the functionality.
        5. Testing and Debugging: After developing the functionality, developers conduct testing to identify and fix any errors that may arise. This stage ensures that the website functions properly.
        6. Deployment and Optimization: Once the website is ready and has undergone testing, it can be deployed on a server and optimized for high performance and fast loading times.

        These stages of website development may vary depending on the complexity of the project and its specific requirements.


        How much does it cost to create a website?

        The cost of creating a website depends on various factors such as the complexity of the design, functionality, and the size of the site. The price can also vary depending on whether the website is planned to be developed from scratch or using ready-made templates and platforms. If you need a simple brochure website with standard design and a few pages, it can cost anywhere from $100 to $1000. The development of a more complex website with a large number of pages and functionality can range from $2000 to $10,000 or more. It’s also important to consider that after the website is created, maintenance and updates may be needed, which can also incur costs. Therefore, it’s best to contact several web developers before starting the project to get different proposals and cost estimates.


        How long does it take to develop a website?

        Depending on the complexity of the project and the scope of work, the development time for a website can range from a few days to several months. For example, a simple brochure website can be developed in a few days, while a complex web portal with a large number of features may take several months or even longer. Additionally, the development time may depend on how quickly the client provides the necessary information and approves decisions regarding the design and functionality of the website.

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