Mobile application development

Mobile applications for business development

Advantages of mobile applications for Business

Request a free consultation - our experts will find the most effective solution.

    Increasing the number of customers

    Mobile applications offer several advantages for businesses: increasing the number of clients, business optimization, expanding possibilities, company scaling, enhancing the company's image, and communication with clients.

    Business optimization

    Mobile applications allow businesses to optimize processes by reducing manual work and increasing productivity. For example, automating the ordering process for goods or services can reduce the time customers spend waiting in line, decrease the number of errors, and ensure quick and accurate order processing.

    Expanding possibilities

    Mobile applications can expand the business's capabilities by reaching new markets and audiences. For example, a mobile application can help a company attract new customers who use mobile devices to search for products and services. Additionally, mobile applications can enhance the effectiveness of marketing campaigns and customer acquisition efforts.

    Company scaling

    Mobile applications can help a company grow and scale by easily adding new features and capabilities. This can assist the company in being more competitive and sustaining the growth of its customer base. Additionally, mobile applications can enhance the company's image, showcasing its innovativeness and readiness to embrace new technologies.

    Image enhancement

    Mobile applications can enhance the company's image, demonstrating its modernity and readiness to embrace new technologies. Additionally, mobile applications allow the company to create a more personalized experience for customers, which can increase customer satisfaction levels and foster a deeper connection with them.

    Customer communication

    Mobile applications allow companies to communicate with customers easily and effectively, providing support and answering questions. For example, a mobile application can help a company offer support in real-time, allowing customers to receive quick and high-quality assistance anytime, anywhere. Additionally, mobile applications can help companies gather feedback from customers and apply it to improve their products and services.

    The stages of turnkey mobile application development


    Analysis and Compilation of the Technical Task

    Market analysis and business planning are crucial to determine the scope of work. Defining tasks and setting deadlines is the next step in the process.



    Prototypes allow us to understand how the program will look. Development for iOS has its peculiarities, and Android has different interface requirements. All of this is taken into account and reflected in the prototype. Before starting the development of the mobile interface, it is necessary to have a clear understanding of how it will look in the end. Prototypes solve this task and provide a complete picture. After approval, a technical task is drawn up, and specialists proceed to the development of mobile applications.



    The specialist creates the design of mobile applications, taking into account the platform's specific features, the company's corporate style, the business niche, and many other factors. It is important to make the interface user-friendly. If it will be placed on the App Store, it is imperative to adhere to all platform requirements for the interface. The designer thinks through every detail. Once the design is ready, the layout is created, and all elements take on structure.



    Next, the development of mobile applications begins. Experts create modules, individual tools, and utilize the appropriate technology stack. A large team is involved in the development of mobile applications. This is the most time-consuming and responsible part of the work. If necessary, third-party services, payment systems, and other tools are integrated. Our goal is to create mobile applications tailored to specific business objectives.



    The testing process involves several stages where inaccuracies in the code are identified, user interactions are simulated, and the quality of the interface is assessed. If there are any flaws, adjustments are made and they are rectified. If necessary, beta testing is conducted using real clients to evaluate performance and identify errors. The security system is also thoroughly examined.


    Launch and support

    When the program has passed testing, it is deployed in the App Store or Google Play, if it's an Android application. We train your employees to use the interface, work with content, and ensure that the deployment on the platform is successful. We provide warranty technical support, and you can also separately order the service of full technical maintenance of the program. Additionally, we offer promotion services.

    Discuss the project

    Contact us for a free consultation, which is an opportunity to discuss your ideas with digitalization experts. Leave your number and we will call you back!

      Mykola Kysel


      I help my clients solve complex business challenges through custom IT solutions.

      years in the company
      successful projects

      Comprehensive Solutions

      Prices and solutions


      Cross Platform mobile application

      from $5 000

      IOS and Android mobile app

      from $10 000


        We answer the most frequently asked questions


        Why do you need to develop mobile applications for iPhone and Android?

        Developing mobile apps for iPhone and Android is an effective way to digitalize, expand, and grow your business. It allows you to connect with the audience, attract more potential customers, and expand opportunities.

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        3. Mobile applications