UX/UI design

We are a leading company with a team of designers that creates innovative and effective solutions for your business.

Why should you work with us?

Request a free consultation - our experts will find the most effective solution for you.

    Team Engagement

    We want to dissect your issue and help identify the best solution. We'll select the most suitable technologies and explain their advantages in a clear manner.

    We are always in touch

    Your assigned manager is ready to address project-related questions around the clock, 24/7, and developers provide feedback daily.

    Clear commercial proposal

    No questionable wording, hidden fees, or fine print in our contracts. Our clients always understand what they are paying for.

    We have 10+ years of experience

    he company was founded in 2015 and has come a long way from a small web studio to a large IT holding. We have gained considerable experience and know almost everything about the intricacies of development.

    You can choose the format of cooperation.

    Clients can choose either the Fix Price model or the Time & Material approach. However, we will strive to advise on the best solution to achieve the optimal result with minimal expenses.

    Guarantee and support after release

    No matter how complex your product is, we will see the project through. We will address all issues during the warranty period and assist with further product development.

    Stages of turnkey project implementation


    Comprehensive analysis

    Before we start working, we thoroughly analyze and study the product, competitors, target audience, and business objectives. This provides a clear understanding of the company's strengths and weaknesses, as well as the goals that need to be achieved through design.


    Digital strategy

    We develop a brand promotion strategy in the online space and set communication goals. A step-by-step plan for the digital development of your brand.


    UX Design

    We create a detailed prototype, carefully considering every detail in the user's interaction with the product. A user experience that will make your customers loyal.


    UI development

    We bring the visual design of the software to life, considering all your preferences and brand style. An attractive product design that will be memorable and set you apart from others.


    Launching and support

    We can implement your design or entrust the development to your team of experts and address all their questions. You will have a ready, comprehensive, and unique UI and UX design for your software product.

    Discuss the project

    Contact us for a free consultation, which is an opportunity to discuss your ideas with digitalization experts. Leave your number and we will call you back!

      Mykola Kysel


      I help my clients solve complex business problems with custom IT solutions

      years in the company
      successful projects

      Integrated solutions

      Prices and solutions


      Under the open budget

      from $35/hr


        We answer the most common questions


        When is interface design required?

        For everyone. Regardless of the product you need to develop – be it a simple website or a complex software application – if the user has to perform an action, it is necessary to plan the logic in such a way that they can intuitively carry out this action without thinking about how to do it, and with minimal risk of unintentional errors. When developing any software products, we always pay special attention to UX design; it’s one of the fundamental stages of development.


        What affects the cost and time of UI/UX development?

        First of all, the structure of your product. How many pages there will be, what is the logic of the software, how many targeted actions the user can take – all this affects the amount of work the designer will do. And the cost and duration of development depend on it. It is also important that you have previous design products: the company’s corporate identity, a brand book that describes it in detail, a clear vision of the future product, or at least examples and schematic representations of your concept. All these materials greatly facilitate and speed up the work of specialists. Another important element in the development of any product is your participation. How immersed you are in the development, how clearly you state your requirements, how quickly you respond – all this can also speed up or slow down the process. And, of course, corrections and changes. The more constructive and detailed your comments on the proposed versions are, the easier it is for us to create the right one. The fewer unforeseen changes there are during development, the faster we can do our job. To find out the specific terms or cost, please contact us in any way convenient for you, and our manager will advise you on all your questions.

        Features of UX design of interfaces

        UX design is a multifaceted art that demands expertise in visual design, programming, psychology, and interaction design. It encompasses the entire user journey, considering accessibility and users’ physical limitations. Prior research on the target audience is recommended, but our team can assist with that.

        Typical tasks for a UX designer include user research, creating personas, wireframing, designing layouts, interactive prototypes, and testing. While specific duties may vary across organizations, they all revolve around advocating for user interests and prioritizing their needs at the core of design and development efforts. This user-centered approach guides UX designers to address pertinent issues and optimally meet user requirements.

        To order UX/UI design from inDev Group, simply reach out to us. Our manager will gather your details and provide comprehensive information on our offerings. If the terms align with your needs, our team embarks on the project. We conduct thorough competitor analysis to strategically position you in the market. Understanding the target audience helps us address their needs, desires, and concerns, ultimately persuading them of your product’s value.

        Based on in-depth studies, we devise an online brand promotion strategy that not only delivers aesthetics and convenience but also drives profitability. Finally, we craft a software prototype and design layout, accommodating all your specifications. Multiple options are presented for your selection.

        Throughout the process, we maintain transparent communication, sharing progress and seeking your input for timely adjustments. Your comfort and success are paramount, with costs agreed upon upfront and any changes discussed before implementation. Your satisfaction is our priority.

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        5. UX/UI Design