Why you should work with us

Request a free consultation - our experts will find the most effective solution

    Team involvement

    We want to take your problem apart and help you find the best solution. We will select the best technologies and explain their advantages in a clear way.

    We are always in touch

    The manager assigned to you is ready to answer questions about the project 24/7, and the developers provide feedback on a daily basis.

    Clear commercial offer

    No questionable wording, hidden fees, or small print in contracts. Our clients always understand what they are paying for.

    We have 10+ years of experience

    The company was founded in 2015 and has grown from a small web studio to a large IT holding company. We have gained a lot of experience and know almost everything about the intricacies of development.

    You can choose the format of cooperation

    Clients can choose either the Fix Price model or the Time & Material principle. But we will try to suggest the best solution to get the best result at the lowest cost.

    Warranty and support after the release

    No matter how complex your product is, we will see the project through to the end. We will fix all problems during the warranty period and help with further product development.

    Stages of a turnkey project


    Business analysis

    study of competitors; research of the target audience; definition of product objectives and goals. A clear plan for the development of your product.


    Prototyping and UI/UX design

    Designing a software product; Creating design mockups. Detailed visualization of the structure and appearance of the future product.


    Development of a software product

    Front-end development; Back-end development; code compilation. A functional tool for solving your tasks.


    Development and testing

    implement the agreed functionality; check the product for defects. Your minimum viable product is ready for launch.


    Product release

    Software product launch; assistance with market entry; training of your employees; post-release technical support. Your tool is up and running and generating revenue.


    Maintenance and support

    We provide warranty support, solve technical difficulties in case of their occurrence, and provide consulting assistance SAAS development includes support. Our goal is to make your project efficient and profitable. We help you to understand all the subtleties and nuances

    Let's discuss the project

    Contact us for a free consultation, which is an opportunity to discuss your ideas with digitalization experts. Leave your number and we will call you back!

      Mykola Kysel


      I help my clients solve complex business problems with custom IT solutions

      years in the company
      of successful projects

      Integrated solutions

      Prices and solutions



      From $25/hour


        We answer the most common questions


        What is the Software

        A minimum viable product is a product with a set of features that is needed to launch as soon as possible. The functionality satisfies the basic needs of users and provides a wide field for development and improvement. You can test your hypotheses, new functionalities, or ideas on such a product. This approach helps to save development time and financial resources. And once you are convinced of the prospects of your idea, you can deploy a full-fledged product with detailed functions on the basis of the MVP.


        Why you need it

        When you doubt your idea, when you need to test a hypothesis or collect feedback from your users, MVP will become an indispensable assistant. This tool will help you to check the profitability and prospects of your idea at the early stages, find out its advantages and disadvantages, and understand which features are worth adding and which ones you can avoid wasting your efforts and development teams on.


        How the development price is formed

        As with the development of any other product, the price depends primarily on the functionality you need. The more complicated the functions, the more time it will take to implement them, and, accordingly, MVP technology will cost more. When creating an MVP, it is also important to consider scalability: after all, when the product proves itself, you will need to develop a more complete version with more functionality. Decide in advance whether you will develop it on the basis of an existing minimum viable product or whether it will be a separate resource. Another important criterion for pricing MVP development is the timing. Often, test products need to be launched as soon as possible, but some functionality requires effort, so to speed up the work, higher-level specialists are involved, and their rate is higher, which means that the cost of MVP development also increases.

        The cost of software development

        The cost of software development depends on many factors. It’s impossible to name it immediately and accurately, because each project is individual, and therefore the price for it will not be the same as for any other. But let’s take a look at what affects the price of development so that you know what to expect right away.

        • Type of solution: it is obvious that the development of a business card website, an online store, and a delivery management system, for example, will differ significantly.
        • Functionality: the more functions your product has, the more complex these functions are, the more expensive the development cost will be.
        • Time: It’s simple, the labor market pays for development on an hourly basis, which means that the more hours your product takes to develop, the more expensive it will be. It’s important to keep in mind that time largely depends on the complexity of the functionality, but it’s not limited to it. Since we practice a flexible approach to development, we can make corrections and changes on your part during the work, and their implementation also takes time.
        • The level of specialists: another factor that partially depends on the complexity of the functionality, because some tasks will be beyond the power of novice developers. In addition to the complexity of the work, the rate is also related to time, as more advanced developers perform tasks faster and better, so development and testing take less time.Therefore, you have a choice: lower cost but more hours, or higher cost but faster.
        • Integration: the number of tools that need to be linked into a single mechanism also affects the cost of development.

        Of course, it looks complicated and confusing. In fact, everything is much simpler – call us or leave a request, and our manager will tell you in detail how much the development of your project will cost.

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